Monday, February 20, 2012

Best Friend Bear

When I was a child my mother brought me a Teddy Bear one day. I gave him a name and kept him with me at all times. I would look into his face and believe he was looking back, with love in his heart for me. I was sure he somehow knew how much I loved him.

Well, time went on and Teddy got older and older and little by a little a bit roughed up. Mom stitched his wounds up like a wonderful Teddy Bear doctor without fail. She knew as well as me that Teddy got those wounds while protecting me from all manner of ferocious monster, that hounded us both a lot in those days. But the day came when Teddy could not be stitched up any more. Mom put him in the hospital and promised she would do all she could to save poor Teddy, but it didn't look very good for him. Such is life, right?

Here is a visual carasel of Teddy Bears at Amazon. I hope you or someone you know can have a friend as good as Teddy..


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